Our Reports

During the course of our strata reporting careers, we have advised many clients on problems relating to apartments they were considering buying.  For purchasers that means we know what you need to know. For lawyers and conveyancers, that means our reports are as factually conclusive as we can be, are in a format with which you are familiar, and include the convenience of an executive summary and a schedule.


We provide our service not only to lawyers and conveyancers, but also to private individuals and corporations.  The reports provide a risk assessment of problems identified by us in the records of the strata scheme made available to us.  The reports also identify other non contentious factual information relevant to a purchaser of an apartment.


Due diligence report fees start at $275 inclusive of GST, plus the statutory search fee charged by strata managers.┬With a view to providing you with the most informative report we can, we reserve the right to negotiate increased fees with complex or large schemes.


Click here to view our example report


We are not practising lawyers

None of our employees or contractors are practising lawyers.  This means under the provisions of the Legal Profession Act 2004, we are not permitted to provide legal advice.  Clients requiring legal advice should speak to their lawyers.